While having 50/50 vision means you should be able to drive a car without accidentally crashing into a tree, what if you have the kind of vision that means you even struggle to see your own arm and hand? when he is lying in front of you?
For UK motorists, the consequences can be serious if you are found to be driving with limited vision. When it comes to being in the driver’s seat in a vehicle, your eyesight must meet a certain standard for driving, with the DVLA stipulating that drivers must wear glasses or contact lenses whenever they drive if they have a known vision problem.
The requirement to be able to see clearly while driving is called “vision standards for driving” which states that “all car drivers must be able to read a standard license plate, in broad daylight, from a distance of twenty meters ‘. However, if you have difficulty seeing at a distance, you should contact the DVLA immediately.
Drivers can be fined up to £1,000 if they fail to notify the DVLA of poor or inadequate vision before getting behind a wheel. Police often carry out street checks when they suspect motorists who they believe may have poor vision and may therefore carry out a roadside vision test.
It’s not just the prospect of a hefty fine that drivers face, as motorists who drive within vision standards for driving can also find themselves in the situation of having their driving license revoked. be unable to drive legally. According to DLVA statistics requested on behalf of insurer Direct Line, there have been 19,644 cases in the UK in which their driving license has been withdrawn due to poor eyesight. January 2017 and September 2019,
While drivers can end up with a hefty fine if they drive with poor vision, those learning to drive can also be failed by their driving instructor for being unable to read a clean license plate. a distance of 100 meters. 20 meters.
Driving with poor vision can have serious consequences for other motorists on the road. This is why it is essential that drivers ensure they have regular checks to ensure their vision is sufficient to ensure safe driving. If you are unsure whether your eyesight meets the vision standards for driving, further information is available on the official UK Government website.