We’re all looking for ways to save money by saving throughout our daily lives, but while many of us can go without overindulging in UberEATS takeout, there’s one thing that Motorists can’t do without it, and it’s a driver’s license. But are there other ways to apply for a driving license while saving money? Read on and find out how you could end up with a few extra dollars when you apply to hit the road.
The most effective way to save a few dollars in your wallet when applying for a driver’s license is to apply for your license online, rather than mailing your license.
Cost of online applications £34 and delivery may take about a week. However, postal applications can be expensive for candidates £9 additional to £43 and processing may also take an additional two weeks before the driving license is issued to you.
This means that those who apply for their license online via the official DVLA government website can not only save themselves extra. £9but may also end up with two additional weeks behind the wheel with their new driving license.
While saving money is important, don’t be tempted by the lure of extra savings on your driving license application as fake DVLA websites are popping up online tempting you to part ways of your money in exchange for an even bigger deal.
Remember, when applying online for your driving license, also make sure that you are applying through the official DVLA government website and that you are also aware of sites that claim to provide better or even additional service, because it will always increase the price of your request.
Although saving £9 on your driving license application may not seem like a huge amount, it is nonetheless a saving and can easily be missed by those who assume that driving license applications must be sent through the job. With a saving of £9 and an extra two weeks guaranteed with your driving license, we’re sure you’ll agree that you can’t go wrong with this money-saving deal.